The Future Is Selective

Some fisheries are open on our northern stronghold, the Skeena, and returns for species like pink, sockeye, and steelhead are strong—though warm water and low levels made for challenging conditions this summer. On the Fraser, drought, heat, and the Chilcotin slide added to what was already a challenging year.

However, the starkest contrast is in the way we fish. When we visited Kitselas First Nation’s new fish wheel and the Gitanyow Fish Camp at Lax An Zok, Watershed Watch and SkeenaWild saw firsthand how targeted, efficient, multi-faceted, and sustainable fish wheel and dip net harvests can be. Meanwhile, extensive gill net openings significantly impacted non-target and threatened species.

Selective fishing is the future of all fishing, and these fisheries are leading by example. Let’s give them a lift. Ask your grocer if they carry Authentic Indigenous Seafood the next time you shop for salmon.

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