We believe a global
model to sustain
salmon can help
sustain all species

2023 Annual Report

SkeenaWild Conservation Trust

The Skeena is one of the world’s most essential and diverse salmon watersheds and one of North America’s last remaining intact watersheds. At 54,000 km², about the size of Switzerland, it is home to five species of wild Pacific salmon as well as steelhead trout. SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, formed in 2007, is dedicated to making the Skeena River and nearby coastal communities a global model of sustainability where large human and salmon populations can thrive. 

We are a community defending wild salmon backed by science and research. We collaborate with governments, Indigenous Nations, communities and individuals to sustain the long-term health and resilience of the wild salmon ecosystems and local communities. 

Our mission is simple, to keep wild salmon and steelhead around for the long haul. Together our community is stronger. 

The Skeena is one of the last remaining wild salmon strongholds. That’s why at SkeenaWild, we have hope: because we’ve already seen great things emerge when salmon are put at the centre. We dedicate our work to six key areas of focus. 

In addition to our important day-to-day efforts to educate, and rebuild diminished salmon populations, conduct important scientific research, and improve policy, legislation, and proposed projects, we also put extra effort into specific campaigns to help ensure that salmon are here for the long haul.

Visit Tyee Test Fishery or use the SkeenaWild Fishing App to stay updated on in-season returns. Adapt your fishing plans to target only species and populations doing well.

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